Kids at Weddings – There are many things that tug at our heart strings during weddings, from the first moment a couple locks eyes on each other, to the parent dancing and toasts, we often find ourselves soaring with happiness for our clients. There is one thing that never fails to both make our hearts sing and make us laugh – and that’s kids at weddings. You are sure to find tons of sentimental moments with kids: we’ve seen flower girls tossing petals, kiddos tearing up the dance floor, and future stand-up comedians putting on a show. We love it all and can’t wait to share a few of our favorite kid moments from the 2018 wedding season.

Photo by Jamie Mercurio
Future professional wedding photographers!

What’s the sweetest moment you’ve seen with a kid at a wedding? We want to hear your stories!
Special thanks to the lovely photographers we get to work with for capturing these shots.
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